Arroyo Valizas

The Arroyo de Valizas, 10 km long, rises in the Laguna de Castillos and flows into the Atlantic Ocean, in Rocha, east of Uruguay. If you travel from its source, the landscapes are very diverse, a mirror of water that forms the lagoon, the amazing Monte de ombúes, the palm trees of Rocha, the bridge on route 10 with its small town of fishermen and picturesque boats and finally the dunes of Barra de Valizas.

Also in its route, it is possible to appreciate different types of birds: chajás, herons, storks, southern lapwings, ducks, among others.

Cigüeña a orillas del Arroyo Valizas
Stork on the shore of Arroyo Valizas

There are many activities to do in the Arroyo de Valizas, have fun looking for crabs and snails on the shore, venture on a boat trip and navigate the stream completely, photograph the different species of birds, contemplate a sunset or engage in sport fishing enjoying the noise of the sea, the wind and brackish air.

Arroyo Valizas

Arroyo sobre la playa de Barra de Valizas
Arroyo sobre la playa de Barra de Valizas