Cerro de la Buena Vista

Its name says it all, Cerro de la Buena Vista is the main attraction of Barra de Valizas, and is the highest point of the dunes of the coast of Uruguay, separating this resort from Cabo Polonio. From its summit the panorama is spectacular, the Castillo Grande island, the Seca island, the oceanic beaches, Cabo Polonio, the Laguna de Castillos, the Arroyo Valizas and the town unfold in an unforgettable landscape.

Caminando por la cima del Cerro de la Buena Vista

The almost desert environment of the hill is in itself a fascinating landscape, with its strangely shaped rocks and diverse bird species among some psammophilous plants.

Rocas sobre el Cerro de la Buena Vista

The historical richness of the place is another attraction. The hill was very appreciated by the indigenous cultures, who created their hunting weapons with local stones. At its base, one of the frames that delimited the first frontier between the empires of Spain and Portugal (1750) was placed. Built in Lisbon in rustic marble, the main part is in the courtyard of the Fortaleza de Santa Teresa.

Disfruta de Cerro de la Buena Vista

All year round

Panorámica hacia el Arroyo Valizas
Panorámica hacia el Arroyo Valizas