Saint John's Eve

Saint John's Eve is an ethnic festival that is usually held on June 23 in different parts of the state of Rocha. The origins of this festival are pagan and find its foundation in a celebration of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere.

The purpose of this rite was to "give more strength to the sun", which from those days, was becoming "weaker" - the days are getting shorter until the winter solstice. Symbolically the flames of the fires also had a "purifying" function in the people who contemplated it.

According to tradition, something old or a paper should be thrown into the fire where everything that we would like to change is written, and so that it can be fulfilled, while burning in the flames, three jumps should be followed in a row.

Saint John's Eve in 19 de Abril

Hogueras de San Juan Soc. 19 de Abril

In the Sociedad 19 de Abril is the ignition of traditional bonfires and shared with all present a chocolate with "tortas fritas". There is sale of homemade chorizos, canteen services, great folklore show and culminates with a traditional dancing.

Saint John's Eve in La Pedrera

La Pedrera bonfires are made with the participation of local artists who create different totems which are lit during the festivities.

Hogueras de San Juan en La Pedrera
Hogueras de San Juan en La Pedrera