Playa Sur (South Beach)

There are two beaches in Cabo Polonio: La Calavera beach (to the north) and  Sur (South) beach, both are "back to back", separated by the large rocky point where the Cabo Polonio Lighthouse is located.

Playa Sur en Cabo Polonio con servicio de guardavidas durante verano

South Beach is where the 4x4 trucks enter and exit, transporting passengers to the National Park.

During the summer months the beach has a lifeguard service and a restaurant where you can enjoy an exquisite and refreshing natural juice or try some seaweed fritters or a dish made with shrimps.

Activities on the beach

One of the main activities that can be done on both beaches is surfing, where depending on the wind conditions excellent waves are formed for the practice of this sport. In addition, from South Beach you can take a walk to the Cabo Polonio Lighthouse, from where you can observe the great sea lion reserve that lives there, the immensity of the Atlantic Ocean, the "Isla de Torres" archipelago and the small town. Following the road you will reach the beach of La Calavera.

Caminata por Playa Sur en Cabo Polonio

Another stroll to make from South Beach is to  head southwest, towards Oceania del Polonio, bordering the sea. It is an adventure to connect with oneself, where only the noise of the sea and the wind predominates.

In summer sports activities are carried out.

Atardecer en Playa Sur en Cabo Polonio

South Beach is also an ideal place to contemplate the wonderful sunsets that Rocha offers us.
