Walk to Cerro de la Buena Vista from Barra de Valizas

The walk to Cerro de la Buena Vista is already a classic for those who visit Rocha. The panorama that can be contemplated is impressive. There are those who choose to make the walk from Barra de Valizas and others, a little more adventurous, from Cabo Polonio, a journey of about 7 km.

Carro de la Buena Vista entre Barra de Valizas y Cabo Polonio

Starting from the beach of Barra de Valizas, from the main descent, the Cerro de la Buena Vista is about 20 minutes walking by the seashore. A few meters from reaching the hill, you must cross the Arroyo de Valizas, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean. It can be crossed by boat or on foot, if the conditions make it possible. The cost to cross in a small boat is approximately 40 Uruguayan pesos per person and it does not take more than a minute.

Carro de la Buena Vista entre Barra de Valizas y Cabo Polonio

Once on the other side of the stream, with a little effort you reach the top, where the view is unbelievable. Walking around there, towards the side of Cabo Polonio, you will find a lot of rocks on the sand in strange shapes and a desert landscape.

Carro de la Buena Vista entre Barra de Valizas y Cabo Polonio

Others choose to stay on top and venture downhill sandboarding. They can be rented there, where you can take the boat to cross the Arroyo de Valizas. For lovers of this sport, the dunes of this area are a great paradise.


If you are going to make this crossing during the summer, it is advisable to do it in the early morning or late afternoon, because the midday sun is too strong and the climb requires some effort.

It is important that you bring a hat, sunscreen and plenty of water to hydrate.

Cerro de la Buena Vista
Cerro de la Buena Vista